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Meet The Horses


Ripper aka Rip Van Winkle

Ripper is a miniature horse with a sweet, kind personality. He likes to play on the obstacle course and go for walks with his horsey friends and visiting humans.


Pip   aka Pip Von Squeakle

Pip is a miniature horse who is very happy to hang out with little people, whether they are brushing him, leading or sitting on his back.


Amber   aka Princess Amber Rapunzel

Amber is an Australian miniature pony with a very calm and relaxed attitude. She gives rides to small children and enjoys their loving attention. 


William   aka Will  I Am Hot Black

William is a very handsome miniature horse with a big, playful manner. He is a brother to Ripper. He loves to strut his stuff and show everyone how clever he is.


Raff   aka Rafferty Rules

Raffy is a mix of mini horse and Welsh pony, so he is taller than the others and likes to think he rules the mini herd. He is actually very sweet and soft once he settles and forgets about trying to tell others what to do.


Ryeleigh     aka Sir Waler Ryeleigh

Ryeleigh is a Waler, Australia's first breed of horse that were sent to war in the old days. He has a gentle, kind personality and loves

attention from his human friends.


Zak    aka Zak Comic Attack

Zak is an American Quarter Horse with a bold, playful manner. He likes to be admired and treated as Number One in any group. He is very clever and loves to be involved in any activity.


Wasabi aka Wasabi Biscuit Banjo

Wasabi, fondly known as "The Wonder Pony" is a Highland Pony x Stock Horse with a sweet gentle personality. He likes being around people who are gentle and quiet like he is and loves going for adventures with his pony friends 


Cal   aka Nevada Calypso

Cal is a handsome Appaloosa with playful, fun personality. He is a very talented spotty spunk and tries very hard to be big and brave, he likes going out for adventures with his paddock mate, Wasabi and has a keen love interest in little Amber

Meet The Goats







In Loving Memory Of...


Rikki Tikki

Daughter of William and Amber


Leader Of Mini Herd
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